Quickstart Guide

Creating a Table

Tables are simple to define.

import asyncio
from donphan import create_pool, Column, Table, MaybeAcquire, SQLType

class ExampleTable(Table):
    id: Column[SQLType.Serial] = Column(primary_key=True)            # example auto increment primary key
    created_at: Column[SQLType.Timestamp] = Column(default='NOW()')  # example column with a default value
    some_text: Column[str]                                           # example simple text column
    a_list_of_numbers: Column[list[int]]                              # example coulmn with a foreign key

async def main():
    pool = await create_pool(os.getenv("POSTGRES_DSN"))              # Connects to postgres
    async with MaybeAcquire(pool=pool) as connection:                # Acquire a connection from the pool
        await ExampleTable.create(connection)                        # Create the Example Table

This code shows how one could define a simple table using donphan.

Column names are defined as class atributes, types are specified as type hints, supplied types can either be defined as a built in python type or using a SQLType class.

Additional Column properties such as wether the column is a primary key can be set via creating a Column instance.

Interacting with a Table

Once a table has been defined and created it can be interacted with using asynchronous classmethods, A list of applicable methods can be found here: Table

The following shows an inserting a record into a predefined table

await ExampleTable.insert(
    some_text='This is some text',

Records can be fetched from the table in a similar way

records = await ExampleTable.fetch(connection, a_list_of_numbers=[1,2,3])

In this example the variable records will hold a list of all records in the table where the value of the column some_other_thing is equal to 2.

Records returned are instances of asyncpg.Record.

One can check if a value does not equal, is less or greater than and their or equal counterparts by appending __ne, __lt, __gt, __le, and __ge to the end of the keyword argument for each respective column.

records = await ExampleTable.fetch(connection, created_at__lt=datetime.datetime.utcnow())

By default all keword arguments applied are assumed to be an SQL AND statement. However it is possible to use an OR statement by appending or_ to the beginning of a keyword argument for a respective column.

records = await ExampleTable.fetch(connection, created_at__lt=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), or_some_other_thing = 2)

If desired a pure SQL where clause may be used. With value subtitution where needed.

records = await ExampleTable.fetch_where(connection, 'created_at < NOW() OR some_other_thing = $1', 2)

It is possible to obtain a single record from the database as well.

record = await ExampleTable.fetch_row(connection, id=1)

Using a asyncpg.Record instance we can simply delete a record in a table.

await ExampleTable.delete_record(connection, record)