Migrating to v4.0.0

v4.0 is the largest change to the library due to a complete redesign.

Python Minumum Version Change

In order to allow for more advanced use of type-hinting older python version support has been dropped. Donphan now requires python 3.9 at a minimum.

Database Model Object Changes

Table definition redesign

With support for more advanced type hinting Database Model Objects such as Table have had substantial changes.

As an example:

# before
class MyTable(Table):
    id: int = Column(primary_key=True, auto_increment=True)
    created_at: SQLType.Timestamp = Column(default="NOW()")
    some_text: str
    some_other_thing: int = Column(references=OtherTable.id)

# after
class MyTable(Table):
    id: Column[SQLType.Serial] = Column(primary_key=True)
    created_at: Column[SQLType.Timestamp] = Column(default="NOW()")
    some_text: Column[str]
    some_other_thing: Column[int] = Column(references=OtherTable.id)

You can read more about the new SQLType, Column, and Table in the API Reference

Table name normalisation changes

Table names are now normalised differently to allow for more pythonic class naming, Custom names can be set using a _name= keyword argument when defining the class.

class MyTable(Table):

>>> MyTable._name

class MyTable(Table):

>>> MyTable._name

Table class methods now require a connection.

To allow for multiple database connection pools all Table helper methods require a connection to be passed as the first parameter.

Table.fetchrow now Table.fetch_row

To be more in-line with other methods Table.fetchrow has been renamed to Table.fetch_row.


Views have been reworked to allow for named columns simular to tables.